1 Step 1
Your Nameyour full name
Pickup Addressyour full name
Pickup Cityyour full name
Pickup Provinceyour full name
Postal Codeyour full name
Telephoneyour contact number
Delivery Addressyour full name
Delivery Cityyour full name
Delivery Provinceyour full name
Postal Codeyour full name
# of parcelsyour full name
Weightyour full name
LEnter package Length
WEnter package width
HEnter package height

This is how We Make It Happen

This process is build on decades of Experience


You get an Instant Quote

Pickup on Your Schedule

We Pickup & Deliver

You Rate the Driver

Delivery Services

Courier services that meet your need.

Same Day Delivery

Delivered anywhere in GTA on the same day by 8pm. If you need to send time sensitive documents and or a package we will pickup it up based on your schedule and deliver it to the destination the same day anywhere in Greater Toronto Area, Halton, Hamilton and Niagara Region.

Express International Delivery

Whether you are shipping 1 or 100 packages, we provide express delivery services to all major cities in the world. We provide two, three or five day delivery service to all major destinations. If you are looking for a more competitive solution we also provide Air Freight Service.

Next Day Delivery

We provide next day delivery within Canada and the USA. Last Minute provides flexible pickup times Monday to Saturday. We are not like other couriers we work with your schedule to arrange a pickup day and time that is convenient for you.

Ground Services

If your shipment in not urgent but you still require the convenience and safety of courier service with tracking and delivery within 7 to 10 days then our Ground service is the best option.

Trust, Safety & Security

Why should you send your Package with Us?

We Got Your Back!

Each shipments is backed by a multi-million dollar insurance policy. You and your stuff are in good hands!

Vetted & Trained Drivers

All Drivers are background & DMV checked, interviewed, trained, and reviewed after each pickup and delivery

Flexible Schedule

No Pickup Window policy lets you arrange pickup 7 days a week, and select a day and time that suits you not the driver.

Customer Testimonials

What our customers say about our service?

I recently sent a package through international air courier service and was extremely pleased with both the price and quality of the service I received. I highly recommend Last Minute Courier. Ally Riz

Milton , ON

You can find a lot of good courier companies, but the thing I like best about Last Minute Courier is they pick and deliver based on your schedule. I love that! No more waiting all day for a courier! Micheal

Vaughan, Ontario

I saved almost 40% compared to FedEx and UPS. To top that up they picked up after 6pm on a Friday as I was not available any other time. I highly recommend Last Minute Courier. Paul Woerner

Hamilton, Ontario

The name says it all if you are really looking for someone to pickup your package at the last minute then this courier service is the answer. I called at 3pm and my package was picked up 5pm amazing service and price! Patricia Brooks

Toronto, Ontario

Request Call Back

Would you like to speak to one of our expert staff members about your specific delivery needs? Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly. You can also Email Us if you would prefer. For Businesses: Do you have questions about how Last Minute Courier can help your company keep it’s delivery promises? Send us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly, or phone 1 (905) 966-2248 between 07:30 and 19:00 Monday to Friday — we would be delighted to speak. Note: Your details are kept strictly confidential as per our Privacy Policy.

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